Allergen Search : Alphabetical Listing of Allergens

Name UniProt
Category Epitope Structure Sugar Description
Tab y 1.0101 F1JZ10 Tabanus yao Horsefly


- - - Tab y 3 allergen
Tab y 2.0101 E0XKJ9 Tabanus yao Horsefly


- - - Hyaluronidase ( Hyaluronoglucosaminidase )
Tab y 5.0101 E0XKJ8 Tabanus yao Horsefly


- - - Putative Tab y 1 allergen
Ten m ? A0A482D3R9 Tenebrio molitor

Food insect

- - - Tropomyosin
Tha p 1.0101 E0X9F6 Thaumetopoea pityocampa Pine processionary moth


- - - Tha p 1 allergen ( SubName: Full=Tha p1 )
Tha p 2 A0A0K2W8C7 Thaumetopoea pityocampa Pine processionary moth


- - - Allergenic protein Tha p 2
Tha p 2 A0A1B5BJ97 Thaumetopoea solitaria


- - - Allergenic protein Tha p 2
Tha p 2.0101 P86360 Thaumetopoea pityocampa Pine processionary moth


- - - Allergen Tha p 2 ( Allergen=Tha p 2 )
The c 1 Q90YK7 Gadus chalcogrammus Alaska pollock

Food Animal

- - - Parvalbumin beta-2 ( Allergen=The c 1)
The c 1 Q90YK8 Gadus chalcogrammus Alaska pollock

Food Animal

- - - Parvalbumin beta-1 ( Allergen=The c 1)
Thu a 2.0101 I0J1J1 Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna

Food Animal

- - - Alpha-enolase ( 2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase )( Enolase 1 )( Allergen=Thu a 2.0101 )
Thu a 3.0101 P86979 Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna

Food Animal

- - - Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A ( Muscle-type aldolase )( Allergen=Thu a 3.0101 )
Thu a ? D4HTS6 Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna

Food Animal

- - - Putative membrane protein
Thu a ? P86978 Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tuna

Food Animal

- - - Beta-enolase ( 2-phospho-D-glycerate hydro-lyase )( Enolase 3 )( Muscle-specific enolase )( Short=MSE )( Skeletal muscle enolase )
Tod p ? Q2V0V2 Todarodes pacificus Japanese flying squid

Food Animal

- - - Tropomyosin
Tra j ? Q3C2C4

Food Animal

- - - Cation:proton antiporter
Tre ke 1 B7XC69 Tresus keenae

Food Animal

- - - Tropomyosin
Tri a 12.0102 P49233 Triticum aestivum Wheat

Food Plant

- - - Profilin-2
Tri a 12.0103 P49234 Triticum aestivum Wheat

Food Plant

- - - Profilin-3
Tri a 12.0104 B6EF35 Triticum aestivum Wheat

Food Plant

- - - Profilin