Search Result : Detailed Informations

Allergen-Scientific Name Taxonomy Name Genbank Common Name Category
Asp f 2.0101 Neosartorya fumigata (strain ATCC MYA-4609 / Af293 / CBS 101355 / FGSC A1100)

not assigned


DataSource UniProt Acc Motif

Original Reference

(gi number)

Allergen Description
P79017 83300352 Major allergen Asp f 2 , Allergen Asp f II , Allergen=Asp f 2

Structural Information

No Structure Informations.

Domain Information

<Epitope Information (1)>

Pubmed 10225885
Uniprot Acc. P79017
Title Conformational and linear B-cell epitopes of Asp f 2, a major allergen of Aspergillus fumigatus, bind differently to immunoglobulin E antibody in the sera of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis patients.
Author Banerjee B, Greenberger PA, Fink JN, Kurup VP.
Journal Infect Immun. 1999 May;67(5):2284-91.
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 ATQRRQI Epitope / Protein 58 64
2 RKYFG Epitope / Protein 93 97
3 HWR Epitope / Protein 138 140
4 YTTRR Epitope / Protein 155 159
5 ASDLM Epitope / Protein 181 185
6 YHVP Epitope / Protein 189 192
7 DHFAD Epitope / Protein 200 204
8 ALEAYA Epitope / Protein 231 236
9 THEGGQ Epitope / Protein 301 306

<Sugar Information>

Uniprot Acc Start End Description
P79017 57 57 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.
P79017 87 87 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.
P79017 143 143 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.
P79017 216 216 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.