Search Result : Detailed Informations

Allergen-Scientific Name Taxonomy Name Genbank Common Name Category
Bos d 4 Bos taurus Bovine
IsoAllergen Source of Allergen Name


DataSource UniProt Acc Motif

Original Reference

(gi number)

Allergen Description
P00711 ADFS_0082 162644 Alpha-lactalbumin , Lactose synthase B protein , Allergen=Bos d 4
P00711 ADFS_0082 162644 Alpha-lactalbumin , Lactose synthase B protein , Allergen=Bos d 4
P00711 ADFS_0082 295774 Alpha-lactalbumin , Lactose synthase B protein , Allergen=Bos d 4
P00711 ADFS_0082 125996 Alpha-lactalbumin , Lactose synthase B protein , Allergen=Bos d 4
P00711 ADFS_0082 295774 Alpha-lactalbumin , Lactose synthase B protein , Allergen=Bos d 4

Structural Information

Domain Information

<Epitope Information (1)>

Pubmed 11729348
Uniprot Acc. P00711
Title IgE and IgG binding epitopes on alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin in cow's milk allergy.
Author Jarvinen KM, Chatchatee P, Bardina L, Beyer K, Sampson HA.
Journal Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2001 Oct;126(2):111-8.
Method SPOT-method
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 EQLTKCEVFRELKDLK Epitope / Protein 20 35
2 KDLKGYGGVSLPEW Epitope / Protein 32 45
3 STEYGLFQINNK Epitope / Protein 66 77
4 KKILDKVGIN Epitope / Protein 112 121

<Epitope Information (2)>

Pubmed 16293967
Uniprot Acc. P00711
Title Mutational analysis of amino acid positions crucial for IgE-binding epitopes of the major apple (Malus domestica) allergen, Mal d 1.
Author Ma Y, Gadermaier G, Bohle B, Bolhaar S, Knulst A, Markovic-Housley Z, Breiteneder H, Briza P, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Ferreira F.
Journal Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2006;139(1):53-62
Method sequentialmutagenesis analysis
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 - - -

<Epitope Information (3)>

Pubmed 20466413
Uniprot Acc. P00711
Title Visualization of clustered IgE epitopes on alpha-lactalbumin.
Author Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Civaj V, Balic N, Nystrand M, Harlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S, Keller W, Pavkov T, Zafred D, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Mari A, Pauli G, Ebner C, Papadopoulos NG, Herz U, van Tol EA, Valenta R, Sp
Journal J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Jun;125(6):1279-1285.e9. Epub 2010 May 13.
Method peptidemicroarray
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 EQLTKCEVFRELKDLKGYG Epitope / Protein 20 38 major
2 LKGYGGVSLPEWVCTTFHTS Epitope / Protein 34 53 major
3 NDSTEYGLFQINNKIWCKDD Epitope / Protein 64 83
4 WCKDDQNPHSSNICNISCDK Epitope / Protein 79 98
5 MCVKKILDKVGINYWLAHKA Epitope / Protein 109 128
6 LAHKALCSEKLDQWLCEKL Epitope / Protein 124 142 major

<Epitope Information (4)>

Pubmed 26703546
Uniprot Acc. P00711
Title The Sensitivity of Endodontic Enterococcus spp. Strains to Geranium Essential Oil.
Author Łysakowska ME, Sienkiewicz M, Banaszek K, Sokołowski J.
Journal Molecules. 2015 Dec 21;20(12):22881-9. doi: 10.3390/molecules201219888.
Method ELISA
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 EQLTKCEVFRELKDL Epitope / Protein 20 34 Alpha-lactalbumin(Bos taurus)
2 INYWLAHKALCSEKL Epitope / Protein 120 134 Alpha-lactalbumin(Bos taurus)

<Sugar Information>

Uniprot Acc Start End Description
P00711 64 64 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.