Search Result : Detailed Informations

Allergen-Scientific Name Taxonomy Name Genbank Common Name Category
Cup a 1 Hesperocyparis arizonica Arizona cypress
IsoAllergen Source of Allergen Name


DataSource UniProt Acc Motif

Original Reference

(gi number)

Allergen Description
Q9SCG9 ADFS_0013 6562326
Q9SCG9 ADFS_0013 6562326
Q9SCG9 ADFS_0013 118197955
Q9SCG9 ADFS_0013 19069497
Q9SCG9 ADFS_0013 9087167

Structural Information

No Structure Informations.

Domain Information

<Epitope Information (1)>

Pubmed 16199263
Uniprot Acc. Q9SCG9
Title A novel approach for investigation of specific and cross-reactive IgE epitopes on Bet v 1 and homologous food allergens in individual patients.
Author Mittag D, Batori V, Neudecker P, Wiche R, Friis EP, Ballmer-Weber BK, Vieths S, Roggen EL.
Journal Mol Immunol. 2006 Feb;43(3):268-78.
Method phagedisplay
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 - - - Cross-reactive to (,Ara h 8, Gly m 4, Pru av 1)-sensitive patients' IgE

<Epitope Information (2)>

Pubmed 12569984
Uniprot Acc. Q9SCG9
Title Comparison between the native glycosylated and the recombinant Cup a1 allergen: role of carbohydrates in the histamine release from basophils.
Author Iacovacci P, Afferni C, Butteroni C, Pironi L, Puggioni EM, Orlandi A, Barletta B, Tinghino R, Ariano R, Panzani RC, Di Felice G, Pini C.
Journal Clin Exp Allergy. 2002 Nov;32(11):1620-7.
Treatment of allergens Method Description Type
recombinant protein histaminerelease from human basophils

<Sugar Information>

Uniprot Acc Start End Description
Q9SCG9 148 148 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.
Q9SCG9 178 178 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.
Q9SCG9 293 293 N-linked (GlcNAc...) asparagine. {ECO:0000255}.