Search Result : Detailed Informations

Allergen-Scientific Name Taxonomy Name Genbank Common Name Category
Tri a 19 Triticum aestivum Wheat
IsoAllergen Source of Allergen Name


DataSource UniProt Acc Motif

Original Reference

(gi number)

Allergen Description
B6ETS0 ADFS_0033 208605346 D-type LMW glutenin subunit

Structural Information

No Structure Informations.

Domain Information

No Domain Informations.

<Epitope Information (1)>

Pubmed 14699123
Uniprot Acc. Q7M1M4
Title Identification of the IgE-binding epitope in omega-5 gliadin, a major allergen in wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis.
Author Matsuo H, Morita E, Tatham AS, Morimoto K, Horikawa T, Osuna H, Kaneko S, Kohno K, Dekio S.
Journal J Biol Chem. 2003 Dec 29 [Epub ahead of print]
Method Dot-blottingfor purified gliadins and glutenins SPOT-method
No. Epitope Sequences Blast Search Start End Description Type
1 QQIPQQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
2 QQFPQQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
3 QQSPEQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
4 QQSPQQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
5 QQLPQQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
6 QQYPQQQ Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.
7 PYPP Epitope / Protein - - Mutational analysis of QQIPQQQ and QQFPQQQ indicated that amino acids at at position 1(Q),4(P),5(Q),6(Q)and 7(Q) were critical for IgE-binding.

<Sugar Information>

No Sugar Informations.