Result : 11 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Cyn d ? | Q5QJ60 | Cynodon dactylon | Bermuda grass |
Aero Plant |
- | 1 |
Sugar |
FAD-linked oxidoreductase BG60 |
Lol p 4.0101 | Q5TIW3 | Lolium perenne | Perennial ryegrass |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Lol p 4 |
Phl p 4 | Q2I6V7 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | 2 | - | Major pollen allergen Phl p 4 |
Phl p 4.0101 | Q5ZQK5 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4 |
Phl p 4.0102 | B2ZWE8 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4.0102 |
Phl p 4.0201 | Q5ZQK4 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4 |
Phl p 4.0202 | B2ZWE9 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | 6 | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4.0202 |
Phl p 4.0203 | B2ZWF0 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4.0203 |
Phl p 4.0204 | B2ZWF1 | Phleum pratense | Common timothy |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Phl p 4.0204 |
Sec c 4 | Q5TIW7 | Secale cereale | Rye |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Sec c 4 |
Sec c 4 | Q5TIW8 | Secale cereale | Rye |
Aero Plant |
- | - | - | Pollen allergen Sec c 4 |
Result : 11 Page 1 of 1