Result : 13 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Bos d 4 | P00711 | Bos taurus | Bovine |
Food Animal |
L/C | 5 |
Sugar |
Alpha-lactalbumin ( Lactose synthase B protein)( Allergen=Bos d 4) |
Bos d 4.0101 | B6V3I5 | Bos taurus | Bovine |
Food Animal |
- | - | - | Alpha-lactalbumin |
Cas s 5.0101 | Q42428 | Castanea sativa | Sweet chestnut |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Chitinase Ib ( SubName: Full=Endochitinase ) |
Cas s ? | E3SEU0 | Castanea sativa | Sweet chestnut |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Class I chitinase isoform 2 |
Cry j ? | Q5NTA4 | Cryptomeria japonica | Japanese cedar |
Aero Plant |
- | 1 | - | Class IV chitinase |
Equ as 6 | P11375 | Equus asinus | Donkey |
Food Animal |
- | 1 | - | Lysozyme C |
Gal d 4.0101 | P00698 | Gallus gallus | Chicken |
Food Animal |
L | 780 | - | Lysozyme C ( 1,4-beta-N-acetylmuramidase C)( Allergen Gal d IV)( Allergen=Gal d 4) |
Hev b 11.0101 | Q949H3 | Hevea brasiliensis | Para rubber tree |
Contact |
- | 1 | - | Putative class I chitinase |
Hev b 11.0102 | Q8GUD7 | Hevea brasiliensis subsp. brasiliensis |
Contact |
- | 1 | - | Class I chitinase | |
Mus a 2.0101 | Q8VXF1 | Musa acuminata | Banana |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Putative chitinase |
Pers a 1.0101 | P93680 | Persea americana | Avocado |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Endochitinase |
Zea m 8 | P29022 | Zea mays | Maize |
Food Plant |
- | 1 | - | Endochitinase A ( ChitA )( Chitinase-A )( Seed chitinase A )( Allergen=Zea m 8 ) |
Zea m 8.0101 | D0EM57 | Zea mays | Maize |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Chitinase |
Result : 13 Page 1 of 1