Allergen Search: Keyword Search

Name UniProt
Category Epitope Structure Sugar Description
Car b 1.0110 B6RQR7 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1 isoform
Car b 1.0111 B6RQR8 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1 isoform
Car b 1.0112 B6RQR9 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1 isoform
Car b 1.0113 B6RQS0 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1 isoform
Car b 1.0201 P38950 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Car b 1 isoform 2 ( Allergen Car b I)( Allergen=Car b 1)
Car b 1.0301 Q96381 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1
Car b 1.0302 Q96382 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam

Aero Plant

- - - Pollen allergen Car b 1
Cas s 1 B7TWE4 Castanea sativa Sweet chestnut

Aero Plant

- - - Cas s 1 pollen allergen
Cas s 1 B7TWE5 Castanea sativa Sweet chestnut

Aero Plant

- - - Cas s 1 pollen allergen
Cas s 1.0101 B7TWE3 Castanea sativa Sweet chestnut

Aero Plant

- - - Cas s 1 pollen allergen
Cas s ? Q93YH9 Castanea sativa Sweet chestnut

Aero Plant

- - - Ypr10 protein
Cor a 1.0101 Q08407 Corylus avellana European hazel

Food Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Cor a 1 isoforms 5, 6, 11 and 16 ( Allergen Cor a I)( Allergen=Cor a 1)
Cor a 1.0102 Q08407 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Cor a 1 isoforms 5, 6, 11 and 16 ( Allergen Cor a I)( Allergen=Cor a 1)
Cor a 1.0103 Q08407 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Cor a 1 isoforms 5, 6, 11 and 16 ( Allergen Cor a I)( Allergen=Cor a 1)
Cor a 1.0104 Q08407 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Cor a 1 isoforms 5, 6, 11 and 16 ( Allergen Cor a I)( Allergen=Cor a 1)
Cor a 1.0201 Q39453 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major allergen Cor a 1
Cor a 1.0301 Q39454 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major allergen Cor a 1
Cor a 1.0401 Q9SWR4 Corylus avellana European hazel

Food Plant

- - - Major allergen Cor a 1.0401
Cor a 1.0402 Q9FPK4 Corylus avellana European hazel

Food Plant

- - - Major allergen variant Cor a 1.0402
Cor a 1.0403 Q9FPK3 Corylus avellana European hazel

Food Plant

- - - Major allergen variant Cor a 1.0403
Cor a 1.0404 Q9FPK2 Corylus avellana European hazel

Food Plant

- - - Major allergen variant Cor a 1.0404
Cor a I Q08407 Corylus avellana European hazel

Aero Plant

- - - Major pollen allergen Cor a 1 isoforms 5, 6, 11 and 16 ( Allergen Cor a I)( Allergen=Cor a 1)
Dau c 1 A0A161X1M2 Daucus carota subsp. sativus Carrot

Aero Plant

- - - pathogenesis related protein, PR-10, Bet v 1-like protein
Dau c 1.0101 O04298 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- 1 - Major allergen Dau c 1 ( CR16)( Pathogenesis-related protein Gea20)( Allergen=Dau c 1)
Dau c 1.0102 Q75T31 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- - - Pathogenesis-related protein
Dau c 1.0103 O04298 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- 1 - Major allergen Dau c 1 ( CR16)( Pathogenesis-related protein Gea20)( Allergen=Dau c 1)
Dau c 1.0104 O04298 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- 1 - Major allergen Dau c 1 ( CR16)( Pathogenesis-related protein Gea20)( Allergen=Dau c 1)
Dau c 1.0105 O04298 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- 1 - Major allergen Dau c 1 ( CR16)( Pathogenesis-related protein Gea20)( Allergen=Dau c 1)
Dau c 1.0201 Q8SAE7 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- - - Major allergen isoform Dau c 1.0201
Dau c 1.0301 D9ZHN9 Daucus carota Wild carrot

Food Plant

- - - PRP-like protein