Result : 2 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Mal f 1 | Q01940 | Malassezia furfur | Pityriasis versicolor infection agent |
Contact |
- | 1 | - | Major allergen Mal f 1 ( Allergen Pit o 1)( Allergen=Mal f 1) |
Mala s 1.0101 | Q01940 | Malassezia furfur | Pityriasis versicolor infection agent |
Contact |
- | 1 | - | Major allergen Mal f 1 ( Allergen Pit o 1)( Allergen=Mal f 1) |
Result : 2 Page 1 of 1