Result : 4 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Tri a ? | P24296 | Triticum aestivum | Wheat |
Gliadin |
L/C | 3 | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein ( Short=LTP)( Phospholipid transfer protein)( Short=PLTP)( ns-LTP1) |
Zea m 14 | P19656 | Zea mays | Maize |
Food Plant |
- | 11 | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein ( Short=LTP)( Phospholipid transfer protein)( Short=PLTP)( Allergen=Zea m 14) |
Zea m 14.0101 | P19656 | Zea mays | Maize |
Food Plant |
- | 11 | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein ( Short=LTP)( Phospholipid transfer protein)( Short=PLTP)( Allergen=Zea m 14) |
Zea m 14.0102 | P19656 | Zea mays | Maize |
Food Plant |
- | 11 | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein ( Short=LTP)( Phospholipid transfer protein)( Short=PLTP)( Allergen=Zea m 14) |
Result : 4 Page 1 of 1