Result : 2 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Fag e 2.0101 | Q2PS07 | Fagopyrum esculentum | Common buckwheat |
Food Plant |
L | - | - | 16 kDa allergen ( SubName: Full=16 kDa major allergen ) |
Gly m ? | O64458 | Glycine max | Soybean |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | 34 kDa maturing seed protein ( SubName: Full=Bd 30K )( SubName: Full=Gly m Bd 30K allergen )( SubName: Full=Major allergen Gly m Bd 30K )( SubName: Full=Maturing seed protein )( SubName: Full=p34 allergen ) |
Result : 2 Page 1 of 1