Result : 3 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Gly m 5.0101 | O22120 | Glycine max | Soybean |
Food Plant |
L | - | - | Alpha subunit of beta conglycinin |
Gly m 5.0201 | Q9FZP9 | Glycine max | Soybean |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Alpha' subunit of beta-conglycinin |
Gly m 5.0301 | P25974 | Glycine max | Soybean |
Food Plant |
L | 3 |
Sugar |
Beta-conglycinin, beta chain |
Result : 3 Page 1 of 1