Result : 6 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Mal d 3.0102 | Q5J011 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Mal d 3.02 | Q5J000 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Mal d 3.02 | Q5J009 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Mal d 3.0201 | Q5J026 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Mal d 3.0202 | Q5IZZ6 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Mal d 3.0203 | Q5IZZ5 | Malus domestica | Apple |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Result : 6 Page 1 of 1