Result : 5 Page 1 of 1
Name | UniProt Acc |
Taxonomic Name |
Common Name |
Category | Epitope | Structure | Sugar | Description |
Cit s 1.0101 | P84159 | Citrus sinensis | Sweet orange |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Germin-like protein ( Allergen=Cit s 1) |
Cit s 2.0101 | P84177 | Citrus sinensis | Sweet orange |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Profilin ( Allergen=Cit s 2 ) |
Cit s 3.0101 | P84161 | Citrus sinensis | Sweet orange |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein ( Short=LTP)( Allergen=Cit s 3.0101) |
Cit s 3.0102 | Q6EV47 | Citrus sinensis | Sweet orange |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Non-specific lipid-transfer protein |
Cit s 7 | A0A067GPB8 | Citrus sinensis | Sweet orange |
Food Plant |
- | - | - | Uncharacterized protein |
Result : 5 Page 1 of 1